PAGE CONTENTS Comic Characters Mariner, Tyler "Wang" Benson, Joshua Pollock, Friedrich Sebaceous Yuen, Sou Hai Prophit Fallace Shaw, Chow-Long Samurai Sillouhette Monk Sillouhette Conversationalists Me P JSM Copperhead Big P AW StuRat Classmates G Main Page |
Me, (a.k.a. "Me Himself," "Me Nomer," "Plotless Violence Author," "DJ Latefordinner") - The "author"...well, "artist"...well, maker of this webcomic, or at least, various 2-dimensional representations thereof. I started drawing fight scenes in high school because I think they're beautiful. Body language is a higher form of communication than spoken or written language, and martial arts fight scenes are the best form of conversation; fists and feet say things like "I hate you and I want you to feel pain!" You can't write...such...written words...I am in grad school with no social life, but recently I have discovered the compensatory joys of the one alcohol I can tolerate: vodka sour with a lime and cherry. I believe in Strict Construction of the Constitution, Misogynism, Misanthropy, The Coase Theorem, Physiocracy, Berkeley's view of reality, Self Defense through preemptive violence, Determinism (no Free Will), the impossibility of Altruism, Willpower over genetic/environtmental predisposition, B.F. Skinner's Behavior Modification, that Political Lobbying is Bribery, that Corporations should not have the rights of People, that concealed guns are crime detterrents, and Republican-ism. Fat, poor, homeless, or Democrat people are solely responsible for their state in life and "helping" them only teaches them to stay that way. In addition to this piece of brilliance, I also have a blog just for videogames, one for Motion Pictures and one for Television Since I am so much more smart than any of you, I have decided to share my wisdom, not because it would do any good (for you have chosen to become incapable of help) but to mock you. Email me, thereby validating my existence |
P: (a.k.a. "His Royal P-ness," "The Cardinal," "Awesome McPhereson," "Just Call Me") - My (and JSM's) college roommate for 2 years. His masochistic workout regimen and diet of human flesh have rendered him greatly powerful enough to crush those I despise, but his love of the sauce has rendered him docile enough to tolerate my presence. Like me, he's a hardcore Republican. He's one of the most brilliantly creative people alive, but while his public offerings (the old Life on Mercury webcomic) were good, they aren't nearly as funny as his short stories or insanely schizophrenic novel he's working on. In fact, I'm organizing a posse to go kidnap him and force him to finish that novel at icepick-point. Meanwhile, his The Whiskey Republic blog is some great reading. He's also the coauthor of a much better webcomic than mine, The Fellonist! |
JSM: (a.k.a. "Mojo," "JSMmy") - My (and P's) roommate from college for 2 years. The only awesome Democrat in the WORLD other than Jon Stewart. A really cool person, despite the fact that his taste is often just WRONG (really bad anime, the Democratic Political Party, that the Constitution is a Living Document). Some of my best material comes from bantering with him or P. With all three of us talking together, well, YOUR mind couldn't handle it. Wuss. |
Copperhead: (a.k.a. "Screenname," "Seahead") - A friend. Haha, I'm kidding, I don't have any friends, but this person will talk to me if I pay cash money. If you want a measure of how bad of an artist I am, consider that the images should all look like a 40-year-old balding man. |
Big P: (a.k.a. "P the Elder," "The Senator") P's brother, and one of the few people who has seen me and lived. He's also the artist and coauthor of a much better webcomic than mine, The Fellonist! |
AW: A college roommate of mine for a semester, I am indebted to this guy for his technical expertise and corrections during the gun sequences. (In all fairness to my nonexistent drawing abilities, he gave me the dumbest fornicating digital picture to work with.) |
StuRat: Another of my, JSM, and P's roommates from the hells of undergraduate college. His blog is a great read. |
Classmates: Other, uncredited classmates of mine. They're not as funny as I, but sometimes they set me up ok for comedy pyrite! |
G: A close friend of mine and my roommates' (hmm...possessive-grammatical nightmare right there), this guy once sparred with me for an hour and 6 minutes solid. The picture shows a critical moment before he slammed me onto the ground during that deathmatch. But I was the one who made it out alive.... |